Buttermilk Oat Waffles
Buttermilk Oat Waffles
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Buttermilk Oat Waffles

After the busy and fast-paced mornings of the work and school week, it’s nice to kick back and enjoy a leisurely breakfast on the weekend.

From Monday to Friday, our theory is – the quicker the breakfast, the better the breakfast. On those days, we like to stick with fast and portable meal options like our “No Time for Breakfast Breakfast Cookies.”

But when Saturday rolls around we love to get the family together and take our time with breakfast.

These Buttermilk Oat Waffles are a delicious way to kick off the weekend. A healthy helping of quick oats go right into the batter and the results are fantastic. They’re light and fluffy on the inside, but also substantial enough to fill you up. The real magic of waffles is that they’re a great foundation for sweet treats like syrup, powdered sugar and fruit. By making Buttermilk Oat Waffles, you’re laying a foundation with more healthy benefits than most waffles.

The addition of oats to the batter gives the waffles a boost of fiber and iron. Just half a cup of oats contains four grams of fiber and approximately 20 per cent of the iron you need in a day. Not bad for such a decadent and delicious breakfast. Adding fiber with oats also lowers the Glycemic Index of the waffles. The glycemic index measures how quickly foods spike your blood sugar.

Packed with slow-digesting, complex carbohydrates, oats are considered a low-medium GI food, and help to keep your blood sugar even. You can also forgo the syrup and powdered sugar and stick with fruit as a topping to further reduce sugar. The waffles themselves are crisp and flavorful enough that they hold their own with minimal toppings.

If you’re like us, all this talk of light, fluffy waffles with a crisp, golden exterior has probably got you craving a batch. This weekend when you make them for breakfast, take the time to make a double batch and freeze the leftovers. Trust us, you’ll be thanking yourself for your genius foresight. You can pop these waffles in the toaster straight from the freezer for a quick breakfast you can eat in a rush.

With Buttermilk Oat Waffles, you can wake up to the taste of a leisurely weekend breakfast on those days when the weekend feels like it’s a few too many days away.

Buttermilk Oat Waffles

Buttermilk Oat Waffles

Drenched in butter and maple syrup or served with a side of fried chicken, buttermilk oat waffles are a family favorite. Freeze leftover waffles to pop in the toaster for quick, weekday breakfasts.
Course: Breakfasts
Category: Vegetarian
Oat Type: Quick Oats
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 50 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour
Servings: 6 Buttermilk Oat Waffles


  • 1 cup flour (250 ml)
  • 1 1/2 cups quick oats (375 ml)
  • 3 Tbsp sugar (30 ml)
  • 2 tsp baking powder (10 ml)
  • 1 tsp baking soda (5 ml)
  • 1/2 tsp salt (2.5 ml)
  • 2 cups buttermilk (500 ml)
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 stick butter unsalted, melted and cooled (125 ml)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract pure (5 ml)


  • In a large bowl, whisk together flour, oats, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
  • In a smaller bowl, whisk together buttermilk, eggs, butter and vanilla.
  • Add buttermilk mixture to dry ingredients, stirring until combined. Let batter rest while waffle iron heats.
  • Spray waffle iron with cooking spray.
  • Ladle batter* into iron, close lid and cook until waffle is golden and releases from the iron easily. Repeat with remaining batter.
  • Waffles should be served immediately, or can be kept warm in a low (200°F) oven until all have been cooked.
  • Serve with butter and maple syrup, or yogurt and fresh fruit.
  • *Note: waffle irons vary in size, use the recommended amount of batter for your iron.
