Honey Oat Buns
Honey Oat Buns
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A Honey of a Bun

Question: What’s better than a juicy burger on a summer day? Answer: A juicy burger on a fresh homemade bun.

Lucky for you, we happen to have a recipe for delicious oat buns that will take your burgers and sandwiches to a whole new level.

While these buns are hearty enough to stand up a big burger patty with all the fixings, they’re also soft and have just the right amount of “smoosh.”… Continue Reading

Oat Doughnuts
Oat Doughnuts
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National Doughnut Day

For every day of the year, there’s seems to be a food holiday (or three!). Some may seem a little random, but there are some that have been around for so long, they’ve become part of the cultural fabric. Like today – National Doughnut Day.

We’ll give you a minute to clear your calendar. This is important stuff.… Continue Reading