Honey Mustard Oat Crusted Salmon
Honey Mustard Oat Crusted Salmon
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We Heart Oats

Remember those New Years resolutions we all made to cook more at home and spend less money out? We’re starting right here.

When it comes to eating healthy after the holidays, you really can’t go wrong with salmon and oats. In fact, if you peruse lists of the world’s healthiest foods, you’re bound to come across both.… Continue Reading

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Build a Better Bowl: Oat Burrito Bowls

If there’s two things we love, it’s oats (obviously) and burrito bowls. Just those two things. Seriously. Everything else comes in a distant third.

So, when the burrito bowl craving hit us hard the other day, instead of sending the intern out to the strip mall to pick us up some lunch, we moseyed down to the Oats Everyday kitchen and rustled up some tasty – and healthy – homemade burrito bowls with a delicious cilantro-lime crema.… Continue Reading

No Time for Breakfast Breakfast Cookies
No Time for Breakfast Breakfast Cookies
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“No Time for Breakfast” Breakfast Cookies

We don’t need to tell you that eating breakfast is important. Study after study has shown that eating breakfast improves memory and cognitive function, kickstarts your metabolism and, perhaps most-importantly to the people around us, makes us nicer people.

When we don’t eat breakfast, even the best of us can get a little hangry (aka “the mean growlies.”)… Continue Reading