Honey Oat Buns
Honey Oat Buns
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A Honey of a Bun

Question: What’s better than a juicy burger on a summer day? Answer: A juicy burger on a fresh homemade bun.

Lucky for you, we happen to have a recipe for delicious oat buns that will take your burgers and sandwiches to a whole new level.

While these buns are hearty enough to stand up a big burger patty with all the fixings, they’re also soft and have just the right amount of “smoosh.”… Continue Reading

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Fantastic Falafel

Falafel is thought to have originated in Alexandria, Egypt during the times of the Roman Empire. Because Alexandria was a port city, this portable and easy to eat on-the-go food quickly spread all over the region.

In recent years the popularity of falafel has grown immensely, and it is now a common food around the world, with people from every continent putting their own spin on the dish.… Continue Reading