Banana Oat Bread
Banana Oat Bread
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Banana Bread Made for September

There’s nothing quite like the smell of fresh banana bread. A loaf goes in the oven, and all of a sudden, the whole family appears in the kitchen, peering into the oven and asking, “Are you making banana bread?”

The recipe we’re about to share makes a pretty special banana bread, if we do say so ourselves. It’s absolutely perfect for September, which also happens to be National Cholesterol Month.

When included in a heart-healthy diet, oats are an effective way to manage, and even lower, your cholesterol. Meeting a daily fiber goal of at least 5 to 10 grams of fiber can help lower your LDL cholesterol levels. One serving of rolled oats, (1/2 cup) contains approximately 4 grams.

Studies suggest eating two servings of oats per day can lower your cholesterol by 5.3 per cent in just six weeks, along with a low-fat diet and exercise.

While we wouldn’t recommend eating this whole loaf in one sitting, a full cup of rolled oats gives our Banana Oat Bread 8 grams of fiber and four bananas add another 12 grams. Staying on track to meet your goals has never been more delicious. Now that’s something worth celebrating with a slice of Banana Oat Bread!

Speaking of celebrating, September is also the month that the kids are (finally!) back in school. Our Banana Oat Bread is the perfect lunchbox or after-school treat.

This recipe uses significantly less sugar than many others – just ripe bananas, a little brown sugar and a touch of honey to sweeten things up. We’ve also cut out butter completely and replaced it with heart-healthy canola oil. A little yogurt in the batter helps keep the bread nice and moist.

Along with butter, another ingredient we’ve left out of our banana bread is nuts. Don’t worry, you won’t miss them; the rolled oats give this bread a great hearty texture. Plus, with no nuts, you can safely send a slice of banana bread in your child’s lunch without breaking the school’s nut-free policy.

So, whether you’re looking for a wholesome treat for the kids, a heart-healthy snack or just a yummy banana bread – this one is for you.

And maybe it can even help encourage a little extra family time as everyone swarms the kitchen looking for a slice of fresh Banana Oat Bread.

Pain d’avoine à la banana

Pain d’avoine à la banana

Ce pain d'avoine aux bananes moelleux et légèrement sucré a toute la saveur, mais moins de gras et de sucre que les recettes traditionnelles. L'avoine donne du corps au pain et un merveilleux croquant sur le dessus.
Type de plat: Dessert et délices cuits au four
Category: à emporter, Végétarien
Oat Type: Flocons d’avoine roulés
Temps de préparation: 10 minutes
Temps de cuisson: 50 minutes
Temps total: 1 heure
Portions: 1 pain


  • 1 1/2 tasses de farine (375 ml)
  • 1 tasse de flocons d'avoine roulés divisée (250 ml)
  • 1 c. à s. de flocons d'avoine roulés supplémentaires pour saupoudrer, divisé (15 ml)
  • 1 c. à c. de levure chimique (5 ml)
  • 1 c. à c. de bicarbonate de soude (5 ml)
  • 1/4 tasse de sel (1 ml)
  • 1 c. à c. de cannelle (5 ml)
  • 4 de taille moyenne bananes très mûres
  • 1/4 tasse d'huile de canola (60 ml)
  • 1/4 tasse de miel ou de nectar d'agave (60 ml)
  • 2 c. à s. de cassonade tassée (30 ml)
  • 1 grand œuf battu
  • 6 c. à s. de yogourt nature ou vanille (90 ml)
  • 1 c. à c. d'extrait de vanille (5 ml)


  • Préchauffer le four à 350 ° F (175 ° C).
  • Tapisser le fond et les deux côtés d'un moule à pain de papier parchemin; asperger d'un spray à cuisson.
  • Dans un bol moyen, écraser les bananes. Incorporer l'huile, le miel, la cassonade, l'œuf, le yogourt et la vanille.
  • Fouetter ensemble les ingrédients secs (en réservant 1 c. à s. d'avoine) dans un grand bol. Ajouter le mélange de banane et remuer jusqu'à ce que tout soit mélangé.
  • Verser la pâte dans le moule préparé. Saupoudrer de 1 c. à s. d'avoine.
  • Cuire au four pendant 50 minutes ou jusqu'à ce que le pain soit doré et qu'un cure-dent inséré au centre en ressorte propre.
  • Laisser refroidir à température ambiante avant de trancher.
