Scrambled Eggs with Oats
Scrambled Eggs with Oats
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Have a Heart-Healthy Breakfast

Heart disease is a growing health concern for many people around the world, but adding something as simple as oats to your diet can make a world of difference.

Heart disease is a variety of conditions that affect the functions of the heart and can have many root causes. Some of the conditions of heart disease include angina, cardiac arrest, heart attack and heart failure.

But heart disease can be prevented and managed through a variety of means like exercising regularly, controlling your blood pressure and eating a heart-healthy diet that is high in fiber and low in fat, especially saturated and trans-fat.

This is where oats take center stage! Eating oats can help prevent and control heart disease while also greatly improving your overall health.

Oats are high in soluble fiber, which can help decrease your chance of developing heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure. They are also low in sodium and saturated fat and contain no trans fats, important factors in a heart-healthy diet.

Heart disease is also linked to obesity and your risk of developing heart disease increases with your weight. Oats are an easy, affordable and delicious way to help manage and maintain a healthy body weight.

For example, eating oatmeal at breakfast can help to control your appetite throughout the morning by making you feel fuller longer. Add a touch of sweetness with fresh or dried fruit, or a no-sugar-added preserve.

Not in the mood for oatmeal? No problem – add oats to eggs and feel satiated until lunch. Try whipping up a quick and easy breakfast of Scrambled Eggs with Oats, wrapped in a tortilla with a little low-fat cheese and salsa.

No matter how you like to eat your oats, you can be confident that your heart health is in good hands when you make oats a part of your day, every day.

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Oeufs brouillés à l’avoine

Les œufs brouillés avec de l'avoine sont une recette facile et riche en protéines pour bien commencer la journée. Enveloppez-les dans une tortilla de blé entier réchauffée avec vos garnitures préférées pour un délicieux petit-déjeuner à emporter.
Course Petit-déjeuner
Type d’avoine Avoine instantanée
Temps de préparation 5 minutes
Temps de cuisson 5 minutes
Temps total 10 minutes
Sert 1


  • 2 œufs ou 1 œuf et 2 blancs d'œufs
  • 2 c. à s. d'avoine instantanée (30 ml)
  • sel au goût
  • poivre noir au goût


  1. Dans un petit bol, battre les œufs avec l'avoine. Assaisonner avec du sel et du poivre.
  2. Asperger une poêle antiadhésive avec un spray de cuisson ou badigeonner avec de l’huile.
  3. Ajouter les œufs à la poêle et cuire à feu moyen, en remuant fréquemment jusqu'à cuisson complète.
  4. Servir sur une tortilla réchauffée avec votre choix de salsa, de fromage râpé et d'avocat en tranches ou de haricots frits.

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