Jalapeno Cheese Cornbread
Jalapeno Cheese Cornbread
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At the Risk of Sounding Corny…

In the movie Stranger than Fiction, Will Farrell’s character, Harold Crick, tries to woo a baker, played by Maggie Gyllenhaal, by bringing her flours. Not flowers. Flours. As far as romantic gestures go, we can’t think of anything sweeter – assuming, of course, that his gift contained oat flour.

Just like our buddy Harold, oat flour has a few quirks. But once we figured out how to work with it, we gave it a permanent place in our baking pantry and have been sneaking it into recipes ever since.

To take advantage of all of oat flour’s nutritional benefits without significantly changing the texture of our favorite recipes, we simply replace up to one-third of the wheat flour called for with oat flour.

Take our Jalapeño Cheese Cornbread, for example. The original, tried-and-true recipe calls for 2 cups all-purpose flour. Now whenever we make it, we replace a third of that (2/3 cups) with oat flour and the results are, well, exactly as expected. Our cornbread turns out perfectly every time. In fact, we think it’s even better with oat flour than without.

Why? Oat flour is surprisingly light and retains moisture, resulting in a soft, tender crumb. This makes it perfect for pairing with the coarser, grittier texture of cornmeal. The slightly sweeter taste of oat flour not only complements the corn flavor, it also lets us get away with a little bit less sugar.

Oats are naturally rich in beta-glucan, a type of soluble fiber. Studies suggest beta-glucan can improve heart health, lower cholesterol and lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. With more protein than any other common grain, choosing oat flour also adds a boost of protein to your baked goods. And let’s not forget the iron that oat flour adds, which is particularly important for women or anyone following a plant-based diet.

Of course, you’re not limited to just cornbread. Oat flour can supercharge any baked good with nutrients, from sweet and savory quick breads to biscuits, muffins, brownies, loaves and bundt cakes.

But don’t just take our word for it. Try it for yourself! And be sure to share your delicious experiments with someone special.

Or just send flours.

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Pain de maïs au fromage et jalapeño

Qui peut résister à un morceau de pain de maïs moelleux, encore chaud du four? Nous avons remplacé une partie de la farine de notre recette traditionnelle par de la farine d'avoine, pour plus de nutrition. Les jalapeños et le fromage font de ce pain de maïs un accompagnement parfait pour le chili.
Course Dessert et délices cuits au four
Type d’avoine Farine d’avoine
Temps de préparation 15 minutes
Temps de cuisson 30 minutes
Temps total 45 minutes
Sert 8


  • 1 1/2 tasses de semoule de maïs (375 ml)
  • 2 1/2 tasses de lait (625 ml)
  • 1 1/3 tasses de farine tout usage (325 ml)
  • 2/3 tasse de farine d'avoine (160 ml)
  • 1/4 tasse de sucre (60 ml)
  • 1 c. à s. de levure chimique (15 ml)
  • 1 c. à c. de sel (5 ml)
  • 2 tasses de cheddar râpé, divisé (500 ml)
  • 3 c. à s. de jalapeños hachés finement (45 ml)
  • 2 œufs battus
  • 1/2 tasse d'huile de canola (125 ml)
  • jalapeños tranchés, pour garnir


  1. Préchauffer le four à 205 ° C (400 ° F).
  2. Mélanger la semoule de maïs et le lait dans un petit bol et laisser reposer 5 minutes pour ramollir.
  3. Graisser une poêle en fonte ou un plat de cuisson de 9 "x 13".
  4. Dans un grand bol, fouetter ensemble la farine, la farine d'avoine, le sucre, la levure chimique et le sel.
  5. Ajouter le mélange de semoule de maïs, les œufs et l'huile. Remuer jusqu'à consistance lisse. Incorporer la moitié du fromage et les piments jalapeños hachés.
  6. Verser la pâte dans le moule préparé. Garnir du reste du fromage et des piments jalapeños tranchés.
  7. Cuire au four préchauffé de 30 à 35 minutes ou jusqu'à ce qu'un cure-dent inséré au centre en ressorte propre.

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