Oat Doughnuts
Oat Doughnuts
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National Doughnut Day

For every day of the year, there’s seems to be a food holiday (or three!). Some may seem a little random, but there are some that have been around for so long, they’ve become part of the cultural fabric. Like today – National Doughnut Day.

We’ll give you a minute to clear your calendar. This is important stuff.

National Doughnut Day is celebrated every year on the first Friday of June and recognizes a very special group of women.

In 1917, a pair of Salvation Army “Lassies” who were stationed in France, decided to boost the morale of American soldiers by frying up some homemade doughnuts. Being smack dab in the middle of a war, this was no small feat. And, needless to say, it was a wildly popular idea with the troops.

Soon, these heroic gals, and others along the frontlines, were making thousands of doughnuts per day, offering a taste of home to the troops and earning the nickname “The Doughnut Girls.”

Can you even imagine? In the midst of everything, they were able to make doughnuts. These ladies definitely deserve our respect and, if it means eating a doughnut in their honor, we are all in.

Now, we know from experience that it’s sometimes hard to stop at one doughnut. That’s why we’re staying out of the doughnut shop today and baking up a double-batch of Oat Doughnuts. Okay, a triple batch.

Baked in the oven and made with healthy oat flour, making these delicious doughnuts might just become an annual (or weekly) tradition.

Are you as excited as we are? Hot, fresh doughnuts and virtually guilt-free. And, trust us – these babies may be better for you, but they are just as satisfying as their fried compatriots. Especially when they’re sprinkled with chopped nuts for great texture and drizzled with a shiny, dark chocolate glaze. What can’t be made better with chocolate? Trick question. Everything can be made better with chocolate.

Sometimes baked doughnuts can be a little dry, but oat flour is a magical thing. It keeps baked goods, like these doughnuts, nice and moist and adds a subtle sweetness. It’s a great ingredient to add to your favorite quick bread and cookie recipes, as well, whenever you want to bump up the nutrition.

And, back to the Doughnut Girls for a moment. We should also mention that they didn’t have a rolling pin with them. So, they improvised and rolled out their first few batches of doughnuts with a wine bottle. They are truly our heroes.

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Beignets d’avoine

Non seulement sont-ils une alternative plus saine au beignets frites, la farine d'avoine dans la pâte donne à ces délicieux beignets cuits au four une mie moelleuse et tendre.
Course Dessert et délices cuits au four
Type d’avoine Flocons d’avoine roulés
Temps de préparation 10 minutes
Temps de cuisson 15 minutes
Temps total 25 minutes
Sert 6 beignets


Pour les beignets:

  • 3/4 tasse de flocons d'avoine roulés (185 ml)
  • 1 banane
  • 3 d'oeufs blancs
  • 1 oeuf
  • 1/4 tasse de sucre (60 ml)
  • 1/4 tasse de yogourt nature (60 ml)
  • 1 c. à c. d'extrait de vanille (5ml)
  • 1 c. à c. de levure chimique (5 ml)
  • 1/4 c. à c. de bicarbonate de soude (1 ml)
  • 1/4 c. à c. de sel (1 ml)

Pour décorer:

  • 1/2 tasse de chocolat de pépites (125 ml)
  • 1 c. à c. d'huile de coco (5 ml)
  • 1/4 tasse de noix hachées (60 ml)


  1. Préchauffer le four à 350 ° F. Asperger un moule à beignets avec un aérosol de cuisson antiadhésif ou légèrement huiler.
  2. Dans un robot de cuisine ou un mélangeur, broyer les flocons d'avoine roulés en poudre fine (farine d'avoine).
  3. Dans un bol ou un bol profond, écraser la banane avec une fourchette jusqu'à consistance lisse.
  4. Ajouter les blancs d'œufs et l'œuf entier à la purée de banane, en fouettant jusqu'à homogénéité.
  5. Ajouter le sucre, le yogourt et l'extrait de vanille. Bien mélanger.
  6. Incorporer la farine d'avoine, la levure chimique, le bicarbonate de soude et le sel. Mélangez une dernière fois.
  7. Mettre la garniture à la cuillère ou au tuyau dans le moule à beignets préparé.
  8. Cuire les beignets pendant env. 15 minutes au four ou jusqu'à ce qu'un cure-dent inséré en ressorte propre.
  9. Laisser refroidir avant de retirer les beignets de la moule.
  10. Faire fondre le chocolat au micro-ondes pendant 30 secondes, en remuant à mi-cuisson. Incorporer l'huile de coco.
  11. Tremper le dessus des beignets dans le chocolat fondu ou tartiner-en avec une cuillère. Saupoudrer de noix hachées.
  12. Placez les beignets au réfrigérateur pendant plusieurs minutes pour permettre au glaçage de durcir.

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