We don’t need to tell you that eating breakfast is important. Study after study has shown that eating breakfast improves memory and cognitive function, kickstarts your metabolism and, perhaps most-importantly to the people around us, makes us nicer people.
When we don’t eat breakfast, even the best of us can get a little hangry (aka “the mean growlies.”) You know how it is – you race out the door and by your second errand you’ve had exactly enough of everyone and everything. Believe us, we have been there.
To help combat the growlies, we came up with these delicious, chock-full-of-awesome Breakfast Cookies. Each cookie is a meal in itself, full of oats for slow-releasing energy. These babies are going to get you through all of your errands, and then some.
When we were developing this recipe, we had a couple challenges. One was making enough – they all seemed to disappear as soon as they hit the cooling rack – and the other was keeping the sugar in check. We want you to feel good about eating these, so we made sure they have way less sugar than most store-bought breakfast bars. The applesauce took care of that quite nicely and, as a bonus, helps to keep them nice and moist.
After much research by way of sampling, what we came up with is a delicious breakfast that you can hold in the palm of your hand. We started with oats, of course, and then tried to cram in as much good-for-you stuff as possible. We added nuts, seeds and dried fruit, and kept adding until there wasn’t any room left; then we snuck in bit of dark chocolate. It’s funny how there’s always a little room for chocolate.
You can make these cookies our way, or change up the mix-ins to suit your tastes. If you don’t like dried cranberries, try dried cherries or chopped dried apricots. You can even use your favorite unsalted trail mix in your cookies – just be sure to chop up any larger nuts before throwing them in.
These are a true grab-and-go breakfast. You can make the cookies on the weekend, or a weeknight when you’re feeling ambitious, then keep them handy in a sealed container. You’ll be thanking yourself in the morning when a healthy and convenient breakfast is ready to grab on your way out the door. You might even start leaving your car keys by the cookie jar.
You can also wrap the cookies individually and freeze them for up to three months. No worries if you forget to take them out – they’ll thaw quickly at room temperature, so you can also grab-and-go straight from the freezer.
With “no time for breakfast” breakfast cookies, there’s no excuse for being hangry!

Biscuits du petit déjuener « pas temps pour la petit déjeuner »
- 1 tasse de farine de blé entier (250 ml)
- 3 tasses de flocons d'avoine roulés (750 ml)
- 1 c. à c. de bicarbonate de soude (5 ml)
- 3/4 c. à c de sel (3,5 ml)
- 1 c. à s. de cannelle (15 ml)
- 1/4 c. à c. de muscade (1 ml)
- 1/2 tasse d'amandes effilées, (125 ml)
- 1/2 tasse de graines de citrouille (125 ml)
- 1/2 tasse de graines de tournesol (125 ml)
- 1/2 tasse de pépites de chocolat mi-sucré (125 ml)
- 1 tasse de canneberges séchées, (250 ml)
- 2 œufs battus
- 1/3 tasse d'huile de canola (160 ml)
- 1 tasse de compote de pommes non sucrée, (250 ml)
- 3/4 tasse de cassonade (180 ml)
- 1 c. à s. d'extrait de vanille (15 ml)
- Préchauffer le four à 350 ° F (175 ° C). Tapisser deux grandes plaques à pâtisserie de papier sulfurisé.
- Dans un grand bol, mélanger les ingrédients secs - farine, avoine, bicarbonate de soude, sel, épices, noix, graines, fruits secs et pépites de chocolat.
- Dans un autre bol, battre ensemble les œufs, l'huile, la compote de pommes, la cassonade et la vanille.
- Ajouter les ingrédients humides aux ingrédients secs, bien mélanger jusqu'à ce que tous les ingrédients secs soient incorporés.
- À l'aide d'une cuillère à biscuits de 1/4 tasse (ou d'une cuillère à crème glacée), mesurez 24 boules de pâte sur les plaques de cuisson préparées.
- Aplatir chaque biscuit avec une fourchette à une épaisseur uniforme (environ 1/2 po d'épaisseur).
- Remarque: les biscuits ne s'étalent pas au four.
- Cuire au four pendant 15 minutes jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient légèrement dorés.
- Transférer les biscuits sur une grille de refroidissement. Une fois refroidi complètement, transférer dans un récipient hermétique pour le stockage. Les biscuits se conservent à température ambiante pendant une semaine ou peuvent être congelés jusqu'à trois mois.