No Time for Breakfast Breakfast Cookies
No Time for Breakfast Breakfast Cookies
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“No Time for Breakfast” Breakfast Cookies

We don’t need to tell you that eating breakfast is important. Study after study has shown that eating breakfast improves memory and cognitive function, kickstarts your metabolism and, perhaps most-importantly to the people around us, makes us nicer people.

When we don’t eat breakfast, even the best of us can get a little hangry (aka “the mean growlies.”)… Plus d’information

Red Beans and Oats
Red Beans and Oats
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A New Take on A Creole Classic

Red beans and rice is a signature dish of Creole cuisine that was traditionally made on Mondays, because back in the day, Monday was “wash day.” The women of the house would be busy doing laundry, so red beans and rice was an easy dish to make with the leftovers from Sunday’s dinner (usually ham or another kind of pork) that didn’t require a lot of time in the kitchen.… Plus d’information