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Take Your Oats on an Adventure

You’ve probably heard us refer to oats as “portable” many times. From Breakfast Cookies to Smoothies to Individual Chickpea and Oat Salads, oats are just begging to be taken on an adventure.

Whether you’re a camper or a glamper, a backpacker or a bike tripper, oats are the perfect take-along food. They’re super-light, crushable, easy to prepare and don’t take up much space or require refrigeration.… Plus d’information

Oat Picnic Salad
Oat Picnic Salad
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Picnic-perfect Oat Salad

We’re just going to come out and say it – we get really excited about picnics. But come on, who doesn’t? Eating outside on a beautiful day just never loses its appeal. And doesn’t everything just taste better al fresco?

Lucky for us and any other picnic lovers, the mother of all outdoor celebrations is quickly approaching.… Plus d’information