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Secrets to Amazing Granola

They say cooking is art and baking is science. Well, granola falls somewhere in between. Once you know the basic formula, you can take some artistic license and make endless variations. We’re sharing our secrets to amazing granola to help get you started!

Our basic recipe starts with three cups of rolled oats and three cups (total) of nuts, seeds, coconut and other grains, etc.… Plus d’information

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A Diabetes Superfood

American Diabetes Month is observed annually each November to raise awareness of the risk factors of diabetes and promote positive changes. More than 30 million people in the U.S. are living with diabetes, and every 21 seconds another person is diagnosed with the disease.

With fiber, nutrients and a low-medium Glycemic Index ranking, all-natural, whole grain oats are a healthy choice for anyone looking to prevent or control Type 2 diabetes.… Plus d’information

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Nutritional Benefits of Oats

It’s no secret oats are seriously healthy. You’ve probably seen oats with the heart-healthy label and the phrase “healthy as a horse” has long been associated with oats. But why exactly are oats so good for you? We examine the balanced nutrition of oats to see where their great health benefits come from.

Oats are perhaps best known for their fiber content.… Plus d’information