January is Oat Month
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January is Oat Month

While there are days throughout the year that recognize oatmeal muffins, oatmeal cookies and even granola bars, January is Oat Month! That’s right – a whole 31 days dedicated to our favorite grain.

We think the Whole Grains Council picked the perfect month to celebrate oats. After all, January is the month of resolutions and the #1 resolution in the US last year was, you guessed it, to get healthy.… Continue Reading

Honey Mustard Oat Crusted Salmon
Honey Mustard Oat Crusted Salmon
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We Heart Oats

Remember those New Years resolutions we all made to cook more at home and spend less money out? We’re starting right here.

When it comes to eating healthy after the holidays, you really can’t go wrong with salmon and oats. In fact, if you peruse lists of the world’s healthiest foods, you’re bound to come across both.… Continue Reading

toasting oats
Toast Your Oats!
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Toast Your Oats

Have you ever noticed how browned food just tastes better? Well, there’s actually some science behind it.

Browning occurs when foods are seared, baked, roasted, toasted, fried and grilled. When food is heated to a certain temperature (around 140-165°C), a complex chemical reaction occurs between amino acids and the reducing sugar in food. The result is a whole new set of compounds which give browned foods their distinct flavors, aromas and colors.… Continue Reading