Whether you’re the kind of person who likes to train for triathlons and push yourself to the limit, or someone who just likes to go for a walk and take in nature’s beauty, oats can complement your active lifestyle.
One of our favorite ways to fuel-up for an activity-filled day is with a big bowl of Maple Oatmeal with Quinoa. It’s a little sweet, a little nutty and will feed your soul while it feeds your body.
As a slow digesting, complex carbohydrate, oats offer the long-lasting energy you need to keep you going. Oats are also loaded with nutrients – in fact, oats are one of the most nutrient-dense natural grains you can eat.
Half a cup of dry oats provides 20 per cent of your recommended daily iron and 39 per cent of your recommended intake of vitamin B1. Red blood cells need iron to thrive and carry oxygen throughout your body, and vitamin B1 is a key nutrient for converting complex carbs into energy. With proper levels of iron and vitamin B1, your body will get more benefit out of activity without any extra exertion on your part. How’s that for a good deal?
Oats also contain a kind of soluble fibre called beta-glucan, which has been shown to lower cholesterol and improve heart health. If there’s one thing an active person needs, it’s a healthy heart to keep blood circulating to your muscles. Beta-glucan also promotes a healthy immune system, so you won’t miss out on activities because you’ve been sidelined with a cold.
As most people know, protein is very important for building muscles. Oats have significantly more protein than other cereals, with half a cup providing 34 per cent of your daily protein according to the USDA. Our Maple Oatmeal with Quinoa contains quinoa, another protein superstar.
And finally, oats are a good source of the mineral selenium, which helps promote healthy thyroid levels and protect against joint inflammation. If you want to participate in your favorite sports and other activities without pain or risk of injury, you need healthy joints.
Do your body a big favor and go further on your fitness journey by making oats a regular part of your active lifestyle.

Avoine à l’érable avec quinoa
- 3 tasses d'eau (750 ml)
- 1/2 tasse de sel (2 ml)
- 1 tasse de flocons d'avoine roulés (250 ml)
- 1/2 tasse de quinoa (125 ml)
- 1/3 tasse de raisins secs (75 ml)
- 2 c. à s. de sirop d'érable pur (25 ml)
- 1/4 c. à c. de cannelle moulue (1 ml)
- 1/4 tasse de noix de Grenoble hachées (50 ml)
- 1/4 tasse d'amandes tranchées naturelles (facultatif) (50 ml)
- 2 c. à s. de graines de lin entières (25 ml)
- 2 c. à s. de graines de lin moulues (25 ml)
- Dans une casserole moyenne, porter l'eau à ébullition.
- Ajoutez le sel.
- Incorporer l'avoine, le quinoa, les raisins secs, le sirop d'érable et la cannelle. Cuire jusqu'à ce que l'eau soit absorbée et que la bouillie soit épaisse, environ 18 minutes.
- Incorporer les noix de Grenoble, les graines de lin entières et moulues.
- Couvrir, retirer du feu et laisser reposer 2 minutes.
- Servir avec du lait chaud.
- Ajouter du sirop d'érable supplémentaire, si désiré.