Pizza with Gluten-Free Oat Crust
Pizza (croûte d’avoine sans gluten)
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Gluten-free Pizza Goodness

Every second, 350 slices of pizza are consumed in the U.S. and, by the time you read this post, nearly 63,000 slices will be eaten. Vegetarian, meat-lovers, Hawaiian, Chicago-style deep dish, thin crust, thick crust… mmm… crust. When it comes to pizza, we are flexible with our toppings, but have some pretty strong opinions when it comes to the all-important crust.… Plus d’information

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Oats and Heart Health

February is American Heart Month, which means there’s no better time to show your heart some love by making heart health a priority. Just by making a few tweaks to your daily routine, you can form heart-healthy habits to love your heart for life!

Here are some things you can do today to take care of your heart:

Eat a heart-healthy diet.… Plus d’information