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Nutritional Benefits of Oats

It’s no secret oats are seriously healthy. You’ve probably seen oats with the heart-healthy label and the phrase “healthy as a horse” has long been associated with oats. But why exactly are oats so good for you? We examine the balanced nutrition of oats to see where their great health benefits come from.

Oats are perhaps best known for their fiber content.… Plus d’information

A person eating a bowl of oats with berries. The text 'Oats & Cholesterol' is overlayed.
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Oats and Cholesterol

One of the best things about oats is that they’re packed with soluble fiber, which is very important for your health, especially managing cholesterol levels.

The soluble fiber found in oats works to improve your LDL “bad” cholesterol, without affecting HDL, the “good” cholesterol your body needs. At four grams per serving, oats have a greater proportion of soluble fiber than any other common grain.… Plus d’information