Avocado, Banana and Oat Smoothie
Avocado, Banana and Oat Smoothie
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Oats On-the-Go

We know that sometimes life can get hectic. Between work and personal obligations, it can feel like you’re always on-the-go.

Eating oats is a delicious way to get the nutrients, protein and energy your body needs. Even when you don’t have time for a sit-down meal, combine oats with other great ingredients like fruit, seeds and nuts to make satisfying, portable snacks and breakfast options.

The complex carbohydrates in oats digest slowly, which not only leaves you feeling full longer but provides you with a long-lasting source of energy. Protein goes hand in hand with energy – and oats have more protein than any other common grain, with one serving (1/2 cup) providing 5 grams of protein.

You don’t have to wake up an hour early to reap these great benefits. Preparing meals and snacks in advance always saves time in the long run, so take a few minutes on the weekend and whip up a batch of breakfast cookies or no-bake energy bites using oats, and enjoy them as a quick snack throughout the week.

Oats also make a great addition to smoothies – the wonder-breakfast you can drink on your morning commute. Try this avocado, banana and oat smoothie with Greek yogurt for a filling, grab-and-go breakfast that will provide you with an array of nutritional benefits, satisfy your hunger and leave you feeling full for your entire morning.

If you’re more of a traditionalist, or a comfort creature, oatmeal is still one of the quickest hot breakfasts you can make. If you can spare 5 minutes in the morning, you can whip up a bowl of oatmeal with quick cooking oats! Add fresh or frozen fruit and a handful of chopped almonds or walnuts to keep things interesting.

If you don’t have 5 minutes to spare before leaving the house – that’s okay, too. You can take regular oatmeal on-the-go with you. All you need is a microwave and water to prepare quick oats when you get to work or school. Don’t forget to bring your favorite toppings along in a sealed container.

Making oats part of your daily routine is an easy and delicious way to take care of yourself when life gets hectic. Easy to prepare and portable, breakfasts and snacks made with oats will get you through your busy day!

Smoothie à l’avocat, la banane et l’avoine

Smoothie à l’avocat, la banane et l’avoine

Ce smoothie épais et crémeux est un repas rafraîchissant et satisfaisant dans un verre, parfait pour les matins en déplacement. L'avoine, l'avocat, la banane et le yogourt grec fournissent la nutrition; une touche de poudre de cacao donne un goût riche et chocolaté.
Type de plat: Petit-déjeuner
Category: à emporter, Recettes de 15 minutes, Sans gluten, Végétarien
Oat Type: Avoine instantanée
Temps de préparation: 5 minutes
Portions: 1


  • 1/2 d'un avocat de la chair
  • 2 c. à s. de cacao en poudre (30 ml)
  • 1 banane de taille moyenne
  • 1/4 tasse de yogourt grec nature (60 ml)
  • 2 à 4 c. à s. de lait (30 à 60 ml)
  • 1/2 c. à c. d'extrait de vanille (2,5 ml)
  • 3 c. à s. d'avoine instantanée (45 ml)


  • Mélangez le tout dans un robot de cuisine jusqu'à ce qu'il soit très crémeux. Ajoutez plus de lait jusqu'à ce qu'il ait l'épaisseur désirée.
  • Servir immédiatement ou conserver couvert au réfrigérateur jusqu'à un jour.